Sunday, August 17, 2008

A little misunderstanding...

I want to blog about this while its fresh on my mind.. its too hilarious to forget.

Today at lunch, my Chilean mom asked me if I believe in past lives. I said no, I believe we are eternal after we are born, but not before. After discussing this, she asked me, "Where do you think we go when we die? Do our souls just float around?" I told her I believe that after we die, we go to one of 2 places, heaven or hell. After we spoke a little about hell, she said she believes this world is like hell. I answered "Hell is much worse. This world is bad (I didn't know the spanish word for fallen) because it is full of sin." Here's where the funny part comes in. I said "el mundo es lleno con pescado." The word for sin is "pecado", very similar to the word for fish, "pescado." So I told her the world is bad because it is full of fish. Needless to say, that ended the seriousness of that conversation. But I'm glad to at least have had a conversation about spiritual things.

Tomorrow I will have been here for 4 weeks... an entire month! Its hard to believe...

This weekend was fun in parts. Friday I stayed home all day because it rained literally for 24 hours straight. Apparently it never rains like that here. We haven't had much rain since I got here so I guess we were just due for it. Let's hope that is it for awhile, although it does clear out the smog! I did a whole lot of nothing on Friday... its hard to be motivated when no one at home has started classes yet!

Saturday, I went to Parque Arauco with some Wofford/IES friends. We saw the movie "El Brindis" which is a Chilean film. Our first experience with Chilean cinema was... interesting. In the movie, a mexican girl comes to Chile to see her dying father, and develops a relationship with a married rabbi! We had a very nice dinner at an Asian bistro, some real coffee at Starbucks, and caught the bus home. When Beth, Jackie and I went to change buses, we had to wait at this one stop for about 5-10 minutes. There were 2 dogs at the stop, and one of them would not leave Jackie alone! Her host family has a dog, so he must have smelled him on her. The dog kept chewing on her boot and following her around! At one point, she was standing on top of the railing at the bus stop, trying to no avail to get away from the dog! The 10 or so other people at the bus stop provided no help, laughing the whole time at the gringas running away from the stray perro (he chewed on me a little too, but his favorite was Jackie)!

In other news... I have been back and forth with Delta trying to get my return flight switched around. I was originally scheduled to fly out Dec 9- several days after my program ends. I have now successfully changed my flight to Nov 28, and I will be home on Sat the 29th, 2 days after Thanksgiving! I'm so excited! :)

Hope everyone is doing well, I miss you all!

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