Sunday, August 10, 2008

Abran zanjas...

I know most of you are wondering what in the heck this title means. It is from a passage in 2 Reyes 3 (2 Kings) that the pastor at La Viña read Sunday morning.

"Abran zanjas por todo este valle, pues aunque no vean viento ni lluvia--dice el Señor--esta valle se llenará de agua, de modo de podrán beber ustedes y todos sus animales." -2 Reyes 3:16-17
("This is what the Lord says: Make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley wil be filled with water, and you, your cattle, and all your other animals will drink." -2 Kings 3:16-17)

He talked about how every valley we are in requires faith. Faith that the rain will come, though we "see neither wind nor rain." This morning was an awesome worship experience, and I throughly enjoyed worshipping in another language. Most of the songs were familiar ones that I have sang in English. Because it was Día del Niño, the kids (there were lots!) sang for us.

It was an overall great experience, and I look forward to going back and hopefully meeting more chileans. I really appreciated the fact that it wasn't an evangelical church full of gringos. :)

I've now started the week of class, and today was officially the 3 week mark! Hard to believe I've been here that long!

Chau for now!

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