Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just some thoughts.. "God's Will"

Since just before I left for Chile, I began reading the book called The Will of God as a Way of Life by Jerry Sittser. It's basic premise is that "the Bible says very little about the will of God as a future pathway. Instead, the Bible warns us about anxiety and presumption concerning the future, assures us that God is in control, and commands us to do the will of God we already know in the present." (22)

God's Word is full of instructions on how to live our life NOW, and he desires for us to form good habits by living consistent, Spirit-filled lives.
"The little choices we make every day often have a cumulative effect far exceeding the significance of the big choices we occasionally have to make." (24)

But why seek God's will at all? Not for His sake, but for our own. In his Confessions, Augustine writes:
"And so we humans, who are in due part of your creation, long to praise you--we who carry our immortality about with us, carry the evidence of our sin and with it the proof that you thwart the proud. Yet these humans, due part of your creation as they are, still do long to praise you. You arouse us so that praising you may bring us joy, becuase you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you." (emphasis added)

I've been learning a lot about the importance of trusting God and worrying less about looming life questions. He will work it out in His time. The most important thing I can do, is seek Him on a consistent basis. God's first priority is not making every step clear as day. If he did, I would not learn to trust.

1 comment:

The Bratcher Bunch said... are wise beyond your years and your words have made a difference in our lives these past few weeks!! THANKS!!