Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fiestas Patrias and Mendoza, Argentina

A little over a week ago, Chile celebrated Fiestas Patrias (Sept 18-19). These 2 days of celebration commemorate basically Chilean independence and the "glories" of her military. Lucky girl that I am, I got all week off from school. Thus, I had lots of time to spend with my parents (while they were here), host family, and friends. On the dieciocho (18th), my family had a big lunch followed by a fonda. The chilean fondas are places people gather to dance the national dance (the cueca), eat traditional food (empanadas) and drink chicha (somewhat like wine). We went to a fonda at the neighborhood park, and there was lots to see and do! I was very upset that I forgot my camera. :( But there were dancers from all different parts of Chile, places for the public to dance the cueca, lots of food and games, and a very cool craft market. I didn't know what to expect, but I very much enjoyed the fonda, despite the fact that we stayed in the cold for a LONG time and I had to pack for the next morning!

What did I have to pack for? My weekend trip to Mendoza, Argentina. The jump across the border takes a little while (6 hours not including customs), but its worth if for the spectacular views as you cross the Andes Mountains. I've never seen so much snow in my life!

Arriving in Mendoza Friday afternoon, Tiffany, Beth and I had no idea how to get to our hostel. We had ignored that small little detail of writing down directions! But, after asking a few helpful Argentineans, we found our way (finally!) to the hostel. Hostal Lagares was very nice for what we paid, much better than YoYo in Valparaiso! We were starving after no lunch (except for the gross cheese sandwich we got on the bus) so we painfully waited until an acceptable Argentinean dinner time before following the suggestion of the hostel to an Italian restarant. (I know, I know not very "argentinean"... but my spaghetti was good!)

The next day, we set off on the excursions we had chosen through our hostel. Our morning was spent horseback riding to the edge of the Andes through what I like to call the "pampas" (kind of grassy wasteland). It was fun and we saw some beautiful views, but we underestimated the pain 2 hours on horseback causes! :)

Our afternoon activity began after great anticipation. We were going on a canopy tour of the mountains and across the river! We climbed up a steep rocky cliff, were hooked to a cable, and were on our way! Flying through the air was such a rush, and the scenery was absolutely incredible. I loved every moment of our tour, and finally mustered the courage the go UPSIDE DOWN on the last run! It was the highest and longest cable, across the river gorge. I went with a guide, who held my feet up in the air while I let go and enjoyed the ride! There was an amazing feeling of freedom up there on the cable... I would definitely recommend it! Me enjoying the canopy tour... check out the facebook link for me upside down:Well those are the highlights of Mendoza, all in all a beautiful place to go check out the great outdoors. Unfortunately we had chosen Sunday as our return date, when all the Chileans enjoying the long holiday weekend also returned to the country. After 3 HOURS of sitting on the bus not moving/standing in line, we were finally back in Chile and on our way home! :)

Pictures from Mendoza! Copy and paste this link:

Tomorrow is the official 10 week mark! Only 8 more left wich means I will have been here longer than I have to go. Its hard to believe and on the other hand I thought I would never reach this point. But life is good here, and I really feel comfortable, like I know this place for the most part. Its an incredible place to be, and extremely empowering.

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