Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting Oriented Pictures

I have posted pictures of my first 2 weeks. Check them out at :

I'm heading to La Serena, a city in the north of Chile, this afternoon with IES! I return Sunday and start classes next week!


1 comment:

Susie said...

Alyse, it sounds like you are having a wonderful adventure in Chile. I know it is far from home but you are in our thoughts and prayers. Your accounts have been so interesting, I love learning about other countries and you do an excellent job explaining. Andy has started school and things are going well at Hart County High. I am planning my trip to Anderson, SC on Thursday to visit Mama for her birthday. Martha and I are making the trip and I can't wait. We enjoyed being with Sarah, Michael and kids this summer but of course it wasn't long enough. They have until Labor Day to get ready for school. Jacob will be in Kindergarten and Natalie Grace will be in pre-school. We are fine here and pray things are going well with you. Take care. Love, Susie and Andy