Friday, July 18, 2008


Bienvenidos! (Welcome!)

In a few days, Sunday, June 20, I leave for Santiago, Chile to study with IES until early December. Arriving on Monday, June 21, I will be picked up by IES staff and taken to my homestay family. I will be staying with Jennifer Rook’s (Wofford student) family from last year, and I am so excited! The family includes a mom, grandmother, and 2 teenage daughters. Jennifer has told me so many great things about them, and I cannot wait to meet them!

I will have about 2 weeks of orientation, including a trip to the northern desert region of Chile, and classes start at the beginning of August. I am very excited and a little nervous about what awaits me in this foreign place. I know without a doubt I will learn and grow a great deal intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. I covet your prayers as I deal with a new place, a new culture, and being away from home, my family, and friends for so long.

I hope to keep this blog updated as often as possible and add pictures as I go. Feel free to email, facebook, and SKYPE me. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, is a free online video messaging site.

My address in Santiago (I love mail!):

Alyse Line
IES Santiago Center
Barros BorgoƱo 159
Providencia, Santiago, CHILE

I can’t wait to let you know more about my new home for the next couple months! Now to the daunting task of packing…

By His grace,

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.”
Isaiah 26:3

1 comment:

Hilary Phillips said...

Buena suerte! I hope you are loving Chile already! Have a wonderful semester, and keep in touch!

In Christ's love,