Thursday, November 27, 2008

The end (el fin) of a journey (de un viaje)...

Forgive the spanish, its just hard to let go. How do you end a part of your life? Chile has become that for me. This was not a trip, a vacation, I lived here, for better or worse for an entire semester. "Home", in Inman, SC or at 429 N. Church St., will not feel quite the same. I am so completely excited about going back, but things are not going to be the same right away. Or maybe ever. People have changed, and I certainly have. I would like to think that everyone's lives stopped when I left on July 20, but they didn't.

I am excited to see my family, and have Thanksgiving. I can't wait to hang out with old friends and catch up. It is Christmastime, and I want to embrace every tradition possible to enjoy the season.

As I look back on the last several months, it surprises me how much I have done and experienced. Its overwhelming to recall it all. I have done things here I would never have the guts to do in the States. I feel as though I could do almost anything. Santiago has taught me to trust in God like never before. Its unbelievable the things that can be accomplished when you let the control go. Almost nothing in this country has been controllable, and that has taught me invaluable lessons of patience and flexibility.

Some things I have learned and experienced here are hard to quantify, and it will take some time and reflection to figure it all out. Things I have learned about chilean culture and values, and differences in cultures in general, even within the US are never-ending.

Tomorrow, I will find a way to say goodbye to this place. I am thankful to my God, my parents, Wofford, IES, my host family, and the people of Santiago, Chile for giving me this experience and teaching me so much. I cannot wait to enjoy a nice hot shower, great food, and my lovely lovely bed, but I hope I won't stay in my comfort zone long. Que te vaya bien a todos! Cuidense y nos vemos pronto! (That it goes well for all of you. Take care and see you soon...)

Much love,

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