Friday, October 10, 2008

"Normal" in Santiago

I know its been awhile since I've posted. Life has been moving right along in Santiago, and its so normal that there's not really a whole lot to say. The biggest and most exciting development of the last couple weeks is that it is finally starting to feel like spring, after a long time coming. I even got to wear a skirt this week!!

Its a little hard to believe its already October, but at the same time hard to believe its not time for me to be home yet! :) I have 7 more weeks exactly here in Santiago.

Last weekend, I went to a concert to honor Chile's president Salvador Allende, whose government was overthrown by the 1973 Pinochet coup. It was a great time with lots of Chilean rock music and I even got to see lots of communism and fascism symbols! Haha The night was ended with a celebration of 20 years of democracy in Chile (1988-2008). Here are some photos of the concert:

Although I am enjoying the way life has become "normal" here in Chile, I am missing greatly those of you back home. Study abroad is not without things I have had to give up, including seeing my dad's family in the mountains for our annual reunion last weekend and Homecoming festivities this weekend.

Tonight I'm going to a "gringo" bar for some Mexican food (haven't had it in 2 1/2 months!) and tomorrow should be a fun-filled day of the Santiago Aquarium and MIM (science and technology) museum! I am hoping for a trip to the beach soon to enjoy the beautiful weather, so stay tuned!! :)

1 comment:

andrea adcock said...

Hey Alyse - I'm new at this "blog thing" so sorry I haven't written sooner. We missed you in the mountians. I think all the little girls wore Sam out. He was sooo good with them!! Your mom and dad filled us in on everything you have been doing. Take care and remember we are all very proud of you!! Love ya - Andrea